Monday, November 24, 2008

Little moments....

So I have to write this fast because it's late and I have to get up for work, but I'm feeling like journaling some sweet moments. So, you all know that Logan is my, let's say most challenging child, well I have to share some precious moments with you. He is just the cutest thing, and he can be wonderful and terrible. So, let's share some sweet wonderful moments..
Today we drive through the McDonalds drive through (which by the way, I had a grilled wrap and NO fries- willpower sucks) anyway, I asked him what he wanted. His answer: " I want a, no, wait 3 cookies (held up his 3 fingers), and a jellybean, and a cinnamon roll" How cute is he?
He was, in fact a very good boy today.
Last week, we were driving to church, and he kept looking at the trees..he said very matter of factly "mom, where did all the green trees go?" I tried my best to explain fall. He said "no, that's not it"
Ok, I have to head to bed now.
Love you, my readers!

1 comment:

Kerry said...

hmmm... willpower... that's what I'm missing!!! LOL