Well, what a sad day...Nobama made it in. I guess we might as all (feel that NC 'twang?) just dig the grave. There is still prayer Jan..... Still prayer. So now what? I just don't know. I talked to one of my patients last night about this, well, terrible thing, and he wanted to vote for McCain..but he lay there very sick. Why can't the polls be taken around to the people in the hospital? Anyone ever thought of that? How sad he was that he didn't get to vote. I told Him "We needed your vote", He looked at me with his kind eyes and said "Dori, don't I know it"
Dig, dig.........................dig, dig:)
Did you know that Hitler and Satan surely had/have lots of charisma too? Hmmm.something our President has in common with these two?
well, someone has to open the flood gates, right? No, my greatest hopes is that this man will recognize the place he has been elected to and rise to the occasion. And yes, I will continue to pray for all leaders of this country.
Wowzers! Love the new pic of you! Hope all is well and that you are finding silver linings....
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